Houzer Fregadero de preparación o barra de acero inoxidable bajo cubierta Contempo

Houzer Fregadero de preparación o barra de acero inoxidable bajo cubierta...

23-by-8-1/2-Inch zero radius stainless steel bar or prep sink | 18-Gauge | Includes bottom grid, mounting clips, basket strainer, and template | Features Mega shield insulation for optimal noise ...

23-by-8-1/2-Inch zero radius stainless steel bar or prep sink | 18-Gauge | Includes bottom grid, mounting clips, basket strainer, and templa...

  • MPN: CTB-2385CTB-3285CTB-4285
  • Listing: C0859C458A
  • MPN: CTB-2385CTB-3285CTB-4285
  • Listing: C0859C458A

17places to buy. from 0.001859621 BTC to 0.005358127 BTC

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0.002511496 BTC
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 08/06/2024

 [converted from usd currency] California https://www.faucetdirect.com/houzer-ctb-32...

Tuscan Basins

0.003854102 BTC
53.46%(+0.001342606 BTC)
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 09/28/2023

 [converted from usd currency] New Jersey https://www.tuscanbasins.com/products/ctb-...

KBA - Home Studio

0.002441121 BTC
36.66%(-0.001412981 BTC)
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 08/06/2024

 [converted from usd currency] Florida https://www.kbauthority.com/houzer-contemp...


0.002766645 BTC
13.34%(+0.000325524 BTC)
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 03/01/2024

 [converted from usd currency] Connecticut https://www.kitchensource.com/kitchen-sink...

Supreme Kitchen & Bath

0.004240907 BTC
53.29%(+0.001474262 BTC)
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 07/03/2024

 [converted from usd currency] New York https://www.supremekitchenbath.com/hamat--...

Advanced Mixology

0.005358127 BTC
26.34%(+0.001117220 BTC)
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 08/06/2024

 [converted from usd currency] https://advancedmixology.com/products/houz...

Keats & Castle

0.002511496 BTC
53.13%(-0.002846631 BTC)
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 07/03/2024

 [converted from usd currency] Florida https://www.keatscastle.com/p/houzer-bar-s...

Big Frog Supply

0.002511496 BTC
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 08/06/2024

 [converted from usd currency] Virginia https://www.bigfrogsupply.com/products/hou...


0.002521520 BTC
0.4%(+1.0024E-500 BTC)
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 08/06/2024

 [converted from usd currency] https://www.houzz.com/pvp/houzer-ctb-3285-...

The Sink Boutique

0.002511496 BTC
0.4%(-1.0024E-500 BTC)
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 07/03/2024

 [converted from usd currency] Virginia https://thesinkboutique.com/products/houze...


0.002318351 BTC
7.69%(-0.000193145 BTC)
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 08/06/2024

 [converted from usd currency] New Jersey https://www.qualitybath.com/houzer-ctb-328...


0.002326722 BTC
0.36%(+8.370999999 BTC)
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 08/06/2024

 [converted from usd currency] Arkansas https://www.walmart.com/ip/ctb-3285-32-x-8...


0.002511496 BTC
7.94%(+0.000184774 BTC)
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 08/06/2024

 [converted from usd currency] California https://www.build.com/product/summary/1188...


0.001991071 BTC
20.72%(-0.000520425 BTC)
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 08/06/2024

 [converted from usd currency] Massachusetts https://www.wayfair.com/v/captcha/show?got...

Home Depot

0.001859621 BTC
6.6%(-0.000131450 BTC)
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 08/06/2024

 [converted from usd currency] https://www.homedepot.com/p/houzer-houzer-...

Houzer Sinks

0.002511496 BTC
35.05%(+0.000651875 BTC)
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 07/03/2024

 [converted from usd currency] New Jersey https://www.houzersink.com/undermount-stai...

Turtle & Hughes Inc.

0.003237363 BTC
28.9%(+0.000725867 BTC)
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 08/06/2024

 [converted from usd currency] https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/b002czpw...

03/13/2025 05:55:57 [WSPG9DACB1D21B0BB1746D7E] [DM-N]

23-by-8-1/2-Inch zero radius stainless steel bar or prep sink | 18-Gauge | Includes bottom grid, mounting clips, basket strainer, and template | Features Mega shield insulation for optimal noise reduction and thermal insulation

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