Hewlett Packard Enterprise Servidor HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 Plus Ultra Micro Tower - 1 x Xeon E-2224-16 GB RAM HDD SSD

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Servidor HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 Plus Ul...

Package Dimensions: 21.59 cms (L) x 36.576 cms (W) x 21.59 cms (H) | Product Type: Personal Computer | Package Quantity: 1 | Country Of Origin: ChinaHPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 Plus delivers a...

Package Dimensions: 21.59 cms (L) x 36.576 cms (W) x 21.59 cms (H) | Product Type: Personal Computer | Package Quantity: 1 | Country Of Orig...

  • MPN: P16006-001
  • UPC: 0190017362762
  • Listing: C0D5C4A6C3
  • MPN: P16006-001
  • UPC: 0190017362762
  • Listing: C0D5C4A6C3

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Package Dimensions: 21.59 cms (L) x 36.576 cms (W) x 21.59 cms (H) | Product Type: Personal Computer | Package Quantity: 1 | Country Of Origin: China

HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 Plus delivers an affordable compact yet powerful entry level server that you can customize for on-premises, hybrid cloud or even workloads demanding datacenter performance. It is the most compact MicroServer that we have launched so far, which can be placed flat or vertically depending on your space. The latest Intel Xeon E and Pentium processors supported to deliver compute performance as well as security and remote management into the server with HPE iLO silicon root of trust. Along with other enhancements such as 4x 1GbE onboard NICs and USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-A, whether you want a general purpose server, NAS or even a virtualization server, you will be surprised at how much you can get out of this small and affordable server.

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